Jurnal-jurnal yang diterbitkan Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika Surabaya


  • SINTEK-DC Seminar Nasional Teknologi Darma Cendika

    Jurnal Seminar Teknologi yang dikelola oleh Prodi Teknik Informatika Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika

  • CONTABILITA : Journal of Accounting and Finance

    CONTABILITA : Journal of Accounting and Finance is a peer-reviewed journal published twice times a year (April and October) by the Accounting Department, Economics Faculty Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika. 


    BIP’s merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika setiap 6 bulan sekali yang sebelumnya bernama Jurnal Darma Cendika Manajemen & Akuntansi. Jurnal ditujukan terutama untuk mempublikasikan pemikiran, gagasan, hasil kajian, dan penelitian dari dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Unika Darma Cendika. 



    Sapientia Et Virtus (eISSN 2716-2273 and pISSN 2355-343Xis a periodical law journal focusing on theoretical as well as practical aspects of the law. SEV is published twice annually, in March and September. This journal is a medium for legal scholars, academicians, and legal practitioners to discuss their opinions or publish their research. Articles to be published comprise legal scientific articles or legal research reports written by academicians or legal practitioners. Articles published cover civil law, administrative law, business law, constitutional law, criminal law, international law, Customary Law, Economic Law, and Human Rights.

  • Jurnal Lingkungan Karya Arsitektur (LingKAr)

    The LingKAr Journal is a means to publish scientific work in the field of Architecture in the form of research results, literature studies, and design studies that have been produced by lecturers, students, and practitioners. The LingKAr Journal will be published twice a year, in March and September, and the first will be on March 2022.
    Vol. 1. No. 2. September 2022
    Deadline : 1 Agustus 2022
    Submitted Here : http://jurnal.ukdc.ac.id/index.php/LKR/about/submissions
    Focused to Nusantara architecture, Environmental architecture, Postcolonial architecture, architectural technology, environmental architecture and the scope of research topics in other fields of architecture

  • Industrial & System Engineering Journals (ISEJOU)

    Industrial & System Engineering Journals (ISEJOU) (ISSN 2985-346X) is published twice a year, in December and June, by Darma Cendika Catholic University, the first edition is December 2022. Industrial & System Engineering Journals (ISEJOU) focused to: Engineering Management, Supply Chain Management, Ergonomics and Human Factors, Work Design and Measurement, Operations Research and Analysis, Engineering Economic Analysis, Facilities Engineering and Energy Management, Quality and Reliability Engineering, Operation Engineering and Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Information System Management, Design and manufacturing Engineering, Product Design and Development, System Design and Engineering .

  • The Center for Sustainable Development Studies Journal

    The Center for Sustainable Development Studies Journal [ ISSN 2964-1683 (media online) ] is a periodical journal focusing on theoretical as well as practical aspects of Sustainable Development Studies. 

  • Jurnal Cendekia

    Jurnal Cendekia merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika setiap 6 bulan sekali. Jurnal ditujukan mempublikasikan pemikiran, gagasan, hasil kajian, dan penelitian dari Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Ekonomi, dan Fakultas Teknik.