Industrial & System Engineering Journals (ISEJOU) <p>Industrial &amp; System Engineering Journals (ISEJOU) (ISSN&nbsp;2985-346X)&nbsp;is published twice a year, in December and June, by Darma Cendika Catholic University, the first edition is December 2022. Industrial &amp; System Engineering Journals (ISEJOU) focused to:&nbsp;<strong><em>Engineering Management, Supply Chain Management, Ergonomics and Human Factors, Work Design and Measurement, Operations Research and Analysis, Engineering Economic Analysis, Facilities Engineering and Energy Management, Quality and Reliability Engineering, Operation Engineering and Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Information System Management, Design and manufacturing Engineering, Product Design and Development, System Design and Engineering .</em></strong></p> en-US (Agrienta Bellanov, S.T., M.T.) (Lasman Parulian Purba, S.T., M.Eng., IPM.) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Perancangan Fasilitas Tata Letak pada UMKM Sari Kedelai Sehati <p>UMKM Sari Kedelai Sehati yang berlokasi di Simo Sidomulyo VII No. 60, merupakan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah yang fokus pada produksi minuman sari kedelai. Seiring dengan peningkatan permintaan produk, UMKM ini menghadapi tantangan dalam optimasi tata letak fasilitas produksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan lokasi pembukaan cabang sari kedelai sehati yang optimal, Untuk mengetahui aliran material yang optimal yang dapat diterapkan pada UMKM Sari Kedelai Sehati,untuk memperoleh penempatan mesin dan peralatan yang paling sesuai guna meminimalkan waktu dan biaya produksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa membuka cabang baru UMKM ini di pasar kembang dianggap cocok karena lokasinya strategis berada dekat dengan sumber bahan baku untuk sari kedelai, dan terhubung dengan akses utama di daerah tersebut srta ditentukan dari perolehan nilai bobot skornya mencapai 73.4, dengan penempatan mesin dan peralatan yang lebih strategis, aliran material dapat dioptimalkan, sehingga proses produksi menjadi lebih lancar dan efisien. Kesimpulannya, perancangan tata letak yang baik dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatan produktivitas dan daya saing UMKM Sari Kedelai Sehati di pasar.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> UMKM, sari kedelai, tata letak fasilitas, efisiensi produksi, aliran material.</p> Dicky Tirta Wirawan, Agrienta Bellanov Copyright (c) 2024 Dicky Tirta Wirawan, Agrienta Bellanov Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Potensi Bahaya pada Stasiun Sterilizer di PTPN IV PKS Tanjung Seumantoh Menggunakan Metode Job Safety Analysis (JSA) <p><em>This study aims to identify potential hazards at the sterilizer station in PTPN IV using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) method. This method is applied to identify potential hazards in each work process at the sterilizer station. The analysis results show that the highest hazard potential occurs in two processes: during the sterilization of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) with a risk score of 5, and when opening the sterilizer door after sterilization is complete, with a risk score of 15. These two processes require further control measures. Additionally, analysis was carried out on six other processes, including floor cleaning in the sterilizer area, pulling the cart using a capstan, adding and releasing steam at peak 1, peak 2, and peak 3 during sterilization, and attaching the capstan rope to the hook at the end of the cart. Therefore, optimal control efforts are needed during the FFB sterilization process and the opening of the sterilizer door to minimize hazard risks&nbsp;to&nbsp;a&nbsp;low&nbsp;level.</em></p> Dewiyana Dewiyana Copyright (c) 2024 Dewiyana, Ryan Pramanda, Nurmalawati, Hanna Amani Fadilah Saragih Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Identifikasi dan Evaluasi Risiko Kegagalan Kualitas Crude Palm Oil dengan Metode FMEA: Studi Kasus di PKS Tanjung Seumatoh <p><em>This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the quality of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) at the Tanjung Seumatoh Palm Oil Mill (PKS) using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method. FMEA was employed to identify and evaluate potential failure risks that could cause the CPO quality to fall outside the company’s established standards. Based on the Risk Priority Number (RPN) calculations, the factor with the highest RPN was machine (RPN = 180), followed by raw material and work method, both with an RPN of 144. Other factors, such as environment, operator, and maintenance, did not show significant RPN values (below 120). The results indicate that poorly maintained machinery, suboptimal raw materials, and non-standard work methods are the primary causes of reduced CPO quality. To improve CPO quality, it is recommended that the company perform regular machine maintenance and modernization, ensure optimal raw material maturity through strict sorting, and enhance training and supervision of work methods. Implementing these corrective measures is expected to improve product quality and reduce the risk of failures in the production process.</em></p> Nurmalawati Nurmalawati, Pramanda Ryan Copyright (c) 2024 Nurmalawati, Ryan Pramanda, Dewiyana, Rahmansyah S. Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000