Urgensi Pembentukan Lembaga Mediasi Perbankan Independen Sebagai Upaya Strategis Mewujudkan Arsitektur Perbankan

  • Ayu Denis Christinawati Program Studi Akuntansi, STIE Al-Anwa
Keywords: mediation, banking, bank, law


The business world in Indonesia is growing rapidly, marked by the number of
commercial banks and conventional banks. This development is accompanied by
various problems that arise from customers to banks in payment systems and
services. In this condition, the bank and the customer use mediation as an
alternative solution for dispute resolution between the two parties. Banking
mediation is an Indonesian Banking Architecture Program (API). This program is
focused on efforts to empower and improve banking consumer protection. Seeing the importance of the complexity of the problems above, research is compiled which is expected to be able to provide and offer solutions to encourage the creation of a healthy and strong Indonesian Banking Architecture (API) in the future. What is the basis for the urgency of establishing an independent banking mediation institution? What is a concrete solution regarding the establishment of an independent banking mediation institution by the Banking Association as a strategic effort to realize the pillars of the Indonesian Banking Architecture (API)? In this study using the Normative Juridical research method. In this context the researcher wants to study and analyze several positive legal instruments that support (support) the implementation of dispute resolution mechanisms through the mediation process in the banking business sector. Besides examining positive legal instruments to complete the analysis, it also uses supporting data in the form of banking mediation practices implemented by Bank Indonesia and several banks. The urgency of establishing a banking mediation institution in an effort to realize the Independent Banking Architecture (API) is based on two aspects, namely the economic aspect and the juridical aspect. The establishment of a banking mediation institution must be encouraged by the banking association. So that there is no access to state losses that are charged. This happened because there was a dispute settlement between the banking and the customer mediated by Bank Indonesia.

Author Biography

Ayu Denis Christinawati, Program Studi Akuntansi, STIE Al-Anwa

Jalan Raya Brangkal No.70, Kedung Maling 3, Kecamatan Sooko, Mojokerto

How to Cite
Christinawati, A. D. (2021). Urgensi Pembentukan Lembaga Mediasi Perbankan Independen Sebagai Upaya Strategis Mewujudkan Arsitektur Perbankan. BIP’s JURNAL BISNIS PERSPEKTIF, 13(1), Hal. 71 - 87. https://doi.org/10.37477/bip.v13i1.207