Evaluasi Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibilityuntuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Dalam Bidang Pertanian

  • Lilik Indrawati Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
  • Setiadi Alim Lim Politeknik Ubaya
Keywords: non profit oriented organization, shareholder, stackholder, business ethic, corporate social responsibility


This research aims to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of corporate social responsibility program of longan planting done by the farmers in Galengloh Village, Pacet Subdistrict, Mojokerto District, East Java Province. This corporate social responsibility program is intended to increase the income of the local community. The results showed that the corporate social responsibility program that is implemented having some problems, among others, not all communities have the land to grow crops longan, not all farmers have a strong interest in developing a plant longan, lack of guidance/counseling on how to plant and maintain good longan and there is no clear picture longan marketing at harvest. If there is not a good treatment for these constraints, possibly the goal of corporate social responsibility program to increase the income of the people will not be reached. This research also found several problems encountered by society that can be used as another corporate social responsibility program.

Author Biographies

Lilik Indrawati, Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika

Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Jalan Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno 201, Surabaya

Setiadi Alim Lim, Politeknik Ubaya

Program Studi Akuntansi, Jalan Ngagel Jaya Selatan 169, Surabaya

How to Cite
Indrawati, L., & Lim, S. A. (2015). Evaluasi Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibilityuntuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Dalam Bidang Pertanian. BIP’s JURNAL BISNIS PERSPEKTIF, 7(1), Hal. 9 - 26. https://doi.org/10.37477/bip.v7i1.268