Strategi Diferensiasi: Mencapai Keunggulan Kompetitif yang Sustainable

  • Maria Widyastuti Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Keywords: differentation, generic strategy, uniqueness


Differentation is an effort to descript spesifik characteristic
(uniqueness) of a
product, with the uniqueness owned by a product, so the consumer will be able to
recognize this product easily so consumer will be. Because of the main focus is
customer, then this strategy must give satisfaction to consumer. Differentation
strategy is one of three excellent competitiveness offered by Portes through his
generic strategy, leadership of total cost differentiation and focus. To increase
differentiation can be done by two way implement the existing value activity to be
more unique or the company reset the value of chain. To be successcfull in
implementing both.

Author Biography

Maria Widyastuti, Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika

Fakultas Ekonomi 

How to Cite
Widyastuti, M. (2011). Strategi Diferensiasi: Mencapai Keunggulan Kompetitif yang Sustainable. BIP’s JURNAL BISNIS PERSPEKTIF, 3(2), Hal 109 - 120.