Penanganan Sampah Satelit Ruang Angkasa Pada Low Earth Orbit Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional

  • M. Rizqy Iqbal Nugraha Universitas Bengkulu
  • Rizky Juventus Simangunsong Universitas Bengkulu
  • Ema Septaria Universitas Bengkulu
Keywords: Satellite Debris, Low Earth Orbit, Space Treaty 1967, International Law, Neutral Responsibility


Increased space activity in recent decades has resulted in an increase in the amount of space junk, often referred to as orbital debris. One of the most affected regions is Low Earth Orbit (LEO), where most satellites operate. Satellite debris in Earth orbit, particularly in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), has become an increasingly pressing problem. Its presence can endanger other satellites, space missions and even human life on Earth. The 1967 Space Treaty, as an international agreement governing activities in outer space, has an important role to play in addressing satellite debris. This study analyzes the obligations and responsibilities of states parties in mitigating and addressing the space debris problem in accordance with the basic principles outlined in the Space Treaty. Furthermore, it evaluates the effectiveness of the 1967 Space Treaty in addressing the satellite debris problem. It is recognized that the 1967 Space Treaty has laid an important legal foundation, but a more stringent and comprehensive legal instrument is needed to effectively address this issue. This journal is expected to contribute to the understanding of the international legal framework in handling satellite debris, and encourage the development of stronger legal instruments to preserve the space environment. 


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How to Cite
Nugraha, M. R. I., Simangunsong, R. J., & Ema Septaria. (2024). Penanganan Sampah Satelit Ruang Angkasa Pada Low Earth Orbit Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional. SAPIENTIA ET VIRTUS, 9(2), Hal 430-445.